Hi friends Gd Mrng! 1) If any one have the "CA...

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Vidya Sagar

Hi friends Gd Mrng! 1) If any one have the "CA Wily Introscope" document, plz forward to: sagar.gmvs@gmail.com 2) And, how to calculate TPS & may i know how many can we monitor while running a test?
2) regarding server(web, app, db) monitoring while running a test
It completely depends on client requirement,but these are the most probable counters we need to monitor during the test running w.r.t web,app,db:1).MEMORY,2).PHYSICAL DISK,3).NETWORK INTERFACE,4).PROCESSOR. These are the most probable performance objectives. under this objectives we need to add the relevent counters.After this we need to focus on connections in web_server,threads&heap memory in app_server,sessions in db_server......