loadrunner Hi everyone, I am using LR version 9.5 ,I...

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Zia Malik

Hi everyone, I am using LR version 9.5 ,I recorded a script that generates a report in PDF .But,when I am replaying the recorded script it doesn't generate the report even though scripts ends with no error.can u please tell me ,what m i misssing out?Is it possible to generate the report in PDF by running the recorded script?or what is the work around?
There are an almost infinite number of things that could be wrong here. But here's a simple example: If I record my voice saying "4" but the question asked is not "What is 2+2?" then the recording is irrelevant.
Similarly, you need to look carefully at what you have recorded and understand it. Just replaying a recording without context and verification is basically worthless. There are a lot of forums on the internet where training and mentoring are preached. There is a reason for this. It works. I suggest that you or your company invest in this. To answer your second question, if you record a script properly that creates a PDF then when you replay it, the PDF will be created. Where the PDF gets created is a function of your application and should be answered by someone familiar with your application. Good luck in your journey to learn LoadRunner. We all have to start somewhere.
Thanks for ur valuable suggestions:),however, I do enhance my script for this as I do for all the other applications or pages in my project .Let me explain u a bit more clear ..when I hit Generate Report Button ,Report pops-up in another window...where I minimize that and proceed to end the recording..
I would really appreciate and thankful ..if u cud provide any link explains this feature of loadrunner..I searched everywhr but dint get clear enough explanation that significantly explain this....
I don't think such a link exists. If so, it may well have the meaning of life and the solution for world hunger on it too. Some guidance: You need to look at the Generate Report button. View the source of the page. What does the link point to? Where does this correspond to the script that you recorded? These questions are rhetorical and not meant to be answered, but to make you think about how your app works. You also need to look carefully at your recording and replay logs of your script. What is really happening? Just because you get a "passed" script by no means indicated a "working" script. Good luck!
LR can only capture the downloaded bytes from the server for specific request(s), To write the same into a PDF file @ "client" side, you have to manually write a piece of C code in your script to create a PDF/TXT file and then write the downloaded data into it. But again that'd have nothing to do with any kinda server communication ... that would only be a verification check and an exact simulation of what a user would be doing in realtime ...