loadrunner Hi everybody, I need help with a web services with a client...

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Eduardo Araya

Hi everybody, I need help with a web services with a client certificates If anyone has knowledge in this type of web services. please contact me
Right off the bat, you would be wise to make this certificate part of your virtual user as an extra file and reference it with a path relative to the local directory or you are going to cause yourself issues when you get to distributed load generators and then, all of the sudden, you forgot to upload all of the certificates to the directory in question
I know, but my problem is that when assigning parameters, the system responds error, but to keep the original value it responds correctly
Hi Araya please follow below approach to add your SSL certificate to ur script. 1. Add SSL certificate to extra files in your script by doing like this certificate will copy to script folder. So no need to change path ever time. 2. Instead of mentioning entire certificate path you can add certificate name and format in web_set_certificate () just avoid absolute path instead of tat give relative path of certificate. 3. Check whether for certificate your having key store password is there or not if it is there just add. 4. Instead of keeping all these function in action file, try insert in init(). Finally try to run your web services script. For your side confirmation purpose try to validate same SOAP request in SOAP UI Tool by adding same SSL certificate to tat tool, most of the time response from SOAP UI Tool trustable one. By the way when your adding SSL certificate to SOAP UI Tool try to add under preferences also unchecked proxy as none.
Well this does not look like a certificate issue. If it was a certificate issue it would fail when connecting. What I see from your error message is the signature value is calculated and changes based on the data being sent. You will need to talk to the developer and find out how you can replicate that in your script. In other words, the message is encrypted as well as using SSL. Looking at the contents of the message there are fields showing the algorithm which is being used. For the signature it appears to be rsa-sha1.