jmeter Hi, Do anybody have proper tutorial for load balance test in...

  • Thread starter Pranjal Prakash Srivastava
  • Start date
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Pranjal Prakash Srivastava

Hi, Do anybody have proper tutorial for load balance test in Jmeter as Master and slave node where Master is my local system and slave is the EC2 instances. Its urgent ,, can anyone have idea about this .... Thanks in advance ..
Which is also called distributed testing there is a process to set up master and slave settings master machine: in bin>>>>host IP provide slave machine IPS here and define environment variables(Jmeter_home, Jmeter_bin) both in master and slave windows icon>>computer properties>>environment variables>>new add variable name and path Slave machine: click on jmeter.server.bat then in the message you will find IP address then in master machine click on run remote start all let me know if any issue