loadrunner Hi, can any1 plz tell me the exact formula for...

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Zia Malik

Hi, can any1 plz tell me the exact formula for number of data that shud be passed while parameterizing.w.r.t no.of users , total execution time and think time. Thanks in advance:)
I do not understand your question. I could try to paraphrase it but that would require effort on my part. If you are looking, and I am just guessing, for the relationship between execution time, think time, users and data consumption, that is basic algebra.
like i want to run a scenario with 50 users ,40 sec is total think time and 45 min is totall execution time .nw,i wanna parameterize a value with unique,each iteration and abort users ..hw many data values shud i pass so that' insuuficient data' error is not thrown..
Let me make a guess ... Say you have to run a test with 100 users and each one intended to run for 4 iterations ( ie "run until completion" scenario) you will have to supply data for exact 400 iterations ... else if you running the VU for a specific duration lets say for an hour or two, then you must have an idea about the time it takes for a VU to complete a single iteration and you will have to take PACING time into account.
There is not much I can do for you unless you want to work through the process with me by giving me the information I have asked.
Matthew Stephenson & Sunit Sethi:thanks alot for ur valuable sugesstions ....I was simply stuckd with some old formula i knw...nw i really got the broader picture of passing data ....
Yeah, once you make the jump to test engineering a whole new world awaits in how you setup and derive test scenarios with purpose and prescriptive design.