loadrunner Hi All, Protocol : Java over HTTP Warning:...

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Deepak Singh Negi

Hi All, Protocol : Java over HTTP Warning: "JRE(Java Runtime Environment) is needed for codegen, JDK will be needed for compiling the generated script. Please install JDK1.5+ on the machine and restart Vugen." At the time of replay: "Cannot start replay due to compilation errors." Note: All the jar i have set in the LR runtime setting in CLASSPATH. Only struggling with above problem. Any Help guys??
Set classpath in environment variables, if any jar files needed upload those into script .. It will be help full
Environment variable(path and java_home) are set,using jdk 1.7u4, any other place I need to update...???
Deepak Singh Negi create one variable as classpath in environment variable and give the path of jdk\bin
Use 32bit Oracle JDK 1.7 and correctly set JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to it. Nothing to do with classpath
Are you sure you have only one version of JDK (JDK 1.7) installed in your machine ? If not ,please uninstall all other versions including registery entry and check.