loadrunner Hi All, I've recorded one script which is...

  • Thread starter Santosh Kumar Gattu
  • Start date
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Santosh Kumar Gattu

Hi All, I've recorded one script which is based on Web application. When I'm replying the script for multiple iterations, Only few are passing and remaining are failing due to correlation error. The script is not able to capture the JSON one time token values for all the iterations. Any workaround on this? Thanks in Advance...
Have you looked at what data is returning in your logs and why that data is not matching your correlation boundaries?
Never mind. It looks more complicated than that. The links above look like they are leading you to the right answers. Good luck!
Hi ..some times you may not find lb n rb or token itself in response. If the json is not present in all the iterations pls speak with ur development team. If the lb or rb is not present then its not b a big deal to make it work.
Thanks for the suggestions. But it didn't solve my problem. A strange situation I observed, I'm able to found the server response, but sometimes LR is capturing in different way.. the information is in this format..À0tlÛ9\x0câ\x17×\x1a®£Coo/«W¯æÜsÏåüóÏ\x7fÛ•gN*Í?üÃ?xÿùŸÿI&“Áqp>
That is binary data. There is not an easy solution here. Even if you could correlate that, you would need to translate that data into something that can be serialized/deserialized. You may want to look at other options for how you will do the performance testing for this app.
check whether your able to customize the script using the above recording mode...i mean JSON will not be captured in above options
Erik Pena In the reply window I'm able to see a perfect response from the server. But when I'm displaying that to a LR reply log the content was different.
The logs are what you must use for diagnosis. Every time you run your script the replay log will be different since that is the server response.
Erik Pena Yes. But the script is failing due to correlation error. As it's not able to capture the one time token value. So i tried to disply server response to reply log and observed It's a different content, But at the same time when i look in to the reply http tree view, I'm able to find correct response....IT's very strange to me...