loadrunner Hi All, I trying to record SQL Command line...

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Harsimranjit Singh

Hi All, I trying to record SQL Command line for Oracle 10 g using VUgen i ran 5 6 queries but no events were recorded and no scripts was generated i am using ODBC protocol Need Help....
Manish Sinha i already have tried writing simple ODBC connection and it is working fine......just wanted to know that what is the way to record the queries...:)
Use SQL+ for Windows and record using the ORACLE protocol. Or, use the MSQUERY Common application (Ships with Microsoft office) and record ODBC. It reads like you have an architectural mismatch between your recording protocol and the protocol used by the application you are attempting to record. For example, you are trying to record ODBC against ORACLE command line tools - This would be akin to hiring a Russian translator for someone who speaks Portuguese.