Hi All, I recorded a script,while recording there are values to be...

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Srinivasa Reddy G

Hi All, I recorded a script,while recording there are values to be populated in db which is happening, but while replay the values are not getting populated in db, Note: Handled all correlation values, checked the replay response. One interesting thing is the values which has to populate are showing in replay window and the same values not populating in DB, showing null value LR. : 12.01 Protocol: web HTTP/HTML Request: Need quick response as we have spend much time on this single simple scenario
use saveoffset and savelenth or do by using text flags...for dynamic values...use regexp for boundary values..
Hi Ashok Chakra, we have used the same,values are passing which we can see in replay/page source, but the same values are not populating In DB
Even we have parameterized and tried but not getting populated into db
check if you are missing any headers in replay. Compare the request that is going in recording and in replay.