loadrunner Hi All, i have one scenario In my application...

  • Thread starter Yarragunta Chinna Krishna Reddy
  • Start date
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Yarragunta Chinna Krishna Reddy

Hi All, i have one scenario In my application like if "lock" button is there then click on lock else "unlock" button is there then need to click on unlock. but only one button will enable how to wite script for this scenario using "Ajax truclint" protocal. means how to add conditional statement here please help someone on this.
If i understand it corectly, at a time only one of either "lock" or "unlock" shall be visible. Why dont u use X Paths for unique object identification? You wont even need a conditional statement.
I'll ask you a different question: Why are you using TruClient? Have you tried HTML/HTTP? Have you looked at the page code for this lock and seen what form elements are set when the page loads and when you change the icon state?
Erik Pena my application is supporting TruClint so am using.and coming to lock and unlock functionality, after opening claim need to check the status of that particular claim. if it is in lock mode then i can proceed with further operatuions else i need to lock the claim(by clicking on the "Lock" button) and i need to do remaining operation.please find the attachment for more details. In the below screen shot, claim id 1036485(highlighted in yellow colour) is in lock mode(if claim is in lock then “unlock” will enable),so I can do further operations.
But In the below 2nd screen shot, claim id 1036485 is in “unlock” mode so now I need to unlock the claim by clicking on the “lock” button, and need to proceed with further functionality. i hope you got sufficient information for ur question,
Sameer Rajimwale can you please give me more details on this , it could be helpfull.actually i am new to performance testing(am working on QTP). since few days am working on Loadrunner
So I think it is better for you to work and learn yourself for the answer. But here's a hint: TruClient operates using the JavaScript document object model. Within that, individual objects have a name and attributes. So, I'm willing to bet that the lock and unlock buttons have unique names that indicate their respective state. You would be able to detect that and programs your logic accordingly. That said, I still think you should use HTTP/HTML scripts but that is your decision.
Ok thanks Erik Pena for the info. Can you please help me on writing conditional statement in truclint protocol . I tried but not able to edit is tre any other way to write this.