Hi All, I have a request in the Body part which i have to...

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Adil M Sheik

Hi All, I have a request in the Body part which i have to correlate. Eg: Body="{ID\\\":209323,\\\"SRStatus\\\":\\\"Not Submitted\\\",\\\"CreateDate\\\":\\\"2015-04-14T08:35:43.147\\\",\\\NOTIFY}" Specified LB= ID\\\" RB=NOTIFY Value Returned after correlation : 209323,\"SRStatus\": \"Not Submitted\",\"CreateDate\": \"2015-04-14T08:35:43.147\",\ Please help me in conversion of \ to \\\
you need to use \\\\ to escape \\....as your are using three \\\, so it escapes only one \, to escape two \\, use four \\\\