loadrunner HI ALL, I am Working on . Protocol and I am very new to>protocol ,...

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Kishore Devisetti

HI ALL, I am Working on . Protocol and I am very new to>protocol , Could you please guide me how to do correlation and parameterization
Yes. First you go to training on tools and process. There are five distinct methods for correlation covered in training. Parameterization is also covered. If you cannot or will not attend formal training with a qualified trainer then you can download the loadrunner tutorial and self train. In my opinion this is not as effective as attending training. Next, you enter into a period of internship. Between tools and process plus project peculiarities there is a lot to assimilate in order to deliver on performance testing services. This is where the period of internship on a skilled master is critical. And then, after a period of internship (ranging from a couple of weeks for decades long robust foundation skills to up to a year) you will be on your own The skills required for performance testing are a large superset of what is required for other types of automation testing. If you are being asked to perform in this role then your management needs to provide the foundation in training and mentoring to ensure your success.