loadrunner Hi All, How to find changing left and right...

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Ragul Gupta

Hi All, How to find changing left and right boundarien in loadruner.
Naresh Manojari NaResh VaRma Thanks for your reply. I know that changing boundaries can be noticed in tree and can be handled by Text Flags. But how to notice that Left and Right boundaries are changing.
replay the script twice before that correlate the variable if the boundaries are changing den whn u replay it throughs error no match found for the reqsted boundaries soo dat u can find by chanching left & right boundaries
Thanks NaResh VaRma..... You mean to say first time replay you want me to copy LB & RB from generationa and again copy LB&RB from generation log and compare them.
u can fix it by usng profiling tool dynatrace by tracing dat particular req flow nd tme taken for day req in all possible ways
@Rahul..use the flag \DIG in web_reg_save_param function..this will deal with dynamic boundaries(i.e; changing left and right boundaries)