Hi All, Currently i am recording a script in...

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Suraj Hindvani

Hi All, Currently i am recording a script in mozilla , and working on it. Ideally my application demands to support IE9/10 , but i get windows security error. So i am using Http / https protocol in mozilla , and running my test. When my test is on , i am getting response time within limits(ie 3-4 secs). But when running manually on browser , there is a huge difference(Response time goes till 20 secs) . What I feel is , the response time of transactions does not include UI Rendering part , it just gives 200 Ok http response code. So , please suggest me how should i bring UI Rendering part , in my performance testing scripts. Thanks Suraj
Use HTTP watch/ YSlow and try to integrate it with any automation tool. And run it in parallel with Load test, subtract 90% value of LT response time by YSlow Response time, that will give you the overall rendering time of the page (Make it clear saying this idea covers for only 90 percent resp times).