Hi All..!! CPU Usage Exceeding more than 80% ?...

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Ramprasad Jairam

Hi All..!! CPU Usage Exceeding more than 80% ? wat might b the issue here. Plz. share ur experience.
1. You are executing load closer to the capacity of the application 2. Shared infrastructure (other application contributing for CPU usage) 3. Backhand processes executing at the same time Do confirm you had a standalone time during execution and compare utilization with half the load execution to see if the CPU usage is relative scaled.
There is no straight answer.....first of all, look at the processes and their utilization of processor. Then go to the working set of problematic processes and start drilling further
If CPU usage is too more you need to check the no of process or threads that you connected from load Generator. check which is process is taking to much time and see is the backend data base is responding to that request or not. if your response timings are high and your no of threads goes to the ideal the CPU usage may also will be high.
CPU of ur server systems?? or local system? or generator systems?