loadrunner Hi All, Can RDP protocol of LR record...

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Archana Srivastava

Hi All, Can RDP protocol of LR record application present on Linux which is getting connecting through MSTSC ? If any one is having any idea/suggestions on it plz let me know ..Thanks in advance
If the client uses a supported RDP version, you should be able to record. I assume the client is Windows here.
If the application is character terminal based on LINUX then have you considered the option of RTE (terminal emulation) for direct connection and exercise of the application without introducing the likely uncontrolled and shared terminal server layer? if the application is an xWindows application where the Windows host is being used as a xWindows server for the graphical display of the application running on the LINUX host, then you are going to be back to using an RDP style client for full exercise of the application.
James > The application is not Character terminal based and the 2nd option can be tried if there is no other alternative. would like to share more details regarding the issue we are facing :- Application Background: The application we need to test has a SWING based client. This client communicates with the underlying Webservices deployed on a Glassfish App server running on Fedora host. The swing based client is accessed via a POS touchscreen terminal. Testing Done Till Date: We created web_custom_request () so as to test the web services and comment on their performance. Although we were able to improve the service performance, the end user still faces some performance challenges. The question that we got from our client is "If we can include GUI as well in the Performance testing as it may be that is cause of concern. " Probable Solution: Connecting to the POS system/ servers using Remote desktop. Installed xRDP on host machine and able to access the server via Remote Desktop from machine where VuGne is installed. Able to connect to the host/ server machine. Able to launch application. Issue Facing: While recording, we can - Connect to server host - Launch the application and successfully browse it. - We can see events being recorded in the recording window of LR with RDP protocol.When we stop recording, we get message "/* Requested desktop size of 1280 x 1024, but received desktop size of 1920 x 1200 */" in the script and nothing is recorded in the script after the connection is established.
Examine the java virtual user variants. Also, look at the transport between the swing app and the glassfish server. If web services then http would work fine. You also have RMI and corba options