jmeter Hi All, Can anyone please explain me how to calculate Think Time,...

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Mahesh Rana

Hi All, Can anyone please explain me how to calculate Think Time, Number of users and Pacing? Thanks
1. To simulate 10 concurrent users - just add 10 threads (virtual users) at Thread Group level 2. To group a number of requests into "transaction" use Transaction Controller 3. To set exact execution rate to 1000 transactions per hour use either Constant Throughput Timer or Throughput Shaping Timer which is available via JMeter Plugins
Requirement 1: UserLoad: 300 Requirement 2: Response Time: 30=333333.3333333333 Total No. of Transactions per Hour: 333333.3333333333/24=13888.88888888889 Total No. of Transactions per Sec(TTPS)= 13888.88888888889/3600=3.858024691358025 \Requirement 3: TTPS: 3.86 Then what is the think time and pacing we give between transactions and test runs? Total Transactions per Hr./Total transactions in the scenario=13889/23=604 No. of Iterations or cycle Per User=604/300=2.012 iterations i.e. Each Vuser will do 2 iterations of 23 trxs in 1 hr. Pacing=Total duration of test in sec/Iterations per user=3600/2=1800 sec Hence, we need to distribute this 1800 sec among 23 transactions as think time and pacing as like below: Tranx1: (ThinkTime:60 sec) ---- Tranx2: (ThinkTime:60 Sec) ---- ---- Tranx22: (ThinkTime:60 Sec) ---- Tranx23. Pacing: 420 sec(i.e. 23*60= 1380, 1800-1380=420 sec) Hence, remaining 420 sec can be given as pacing time between iterations.
If you are still not good enough with the above, find the below formula If pacing is set to zero, then Number of Vusers = TPS * (Response Time + Think Time) If pacing is ≠ zero and pacing > (response time + Think Time), then the above formula would look like this Number of Vusers = TPS * (Pacing) The fact that TPS is a rate of transactions w.r.t. time, it is also called as throughput. So Little’s law is Average number of users in the system = average response time * throughput V = (R + TT) * TPS Where, V = Number of users R = average response time (now you know, it can be pacing too) TT = Think Time TPS = Throughput (i.e. TPS) Example, If V = 100, R = 2 sec, 100= (2+TT)*TPS and hence –> If TT=18, TPS = 5
Throughput period calculate Think time (between user transactions) and Pacing (Time between each iteration)
Thanks Ravi for u r response. I am comfprtable about think time and Pacing using loadrunner. Can u recommend using jmeter." How to put think time and Pacing" what are the best Elements for TT and Pacing.