Hi All, can any one have tested chat...

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Manju Natha

Hi All, can any one have tested chat application which is developed using socket io, with help of jmeter tool, which is not web socket but it behaves like web socket bi directional communication for chat. I need some help to test socket io chat application using jmeter tool, which sampler can we use for this?? Thanks in Advance..
which protocol you chat application is using? XMPP?
Thanks for your response, there are not using any protocol that is the problem, for sending and receiving messages they are using socket io
What ever suggestion people gives, there is only one way to do any such kind of application. Java vuser is the way to go. You need to write a simple java program that can be used as a proxy for one user . Ask the devlopemnt team to write a program in Eclipse IDE, that can send message to another chat user. ( if you tell the developer about loadrunner they will be frightened as they are not aware of the tool ) In this way, we can create virtual user ( basically a java program) . Now copy paste the code in Action part of java Vuser.
Basically idea is to write java program that can talk to the socket. basicall one java program is one client. ( If you have good knowledge in java , then ask for all the JAR files from the dev team, and try to build the java program) and then use loadrunner for multi threading
they have used node js for developing it and more over if they write code in Eclipse IDE cannot be convert it as junit and can test in jmeter... correct if i am wrong
yes it can be. for multithreading you can use anything Jmeter and loadrunner. In Jmeter, yes junit test case can be converted.
Hmm thanks I thought the same, But i am not good in java