loadrunner hi all, 1) how to do analysis part in load...

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Practice Loadrunner

hi all, 1) how to do analysis part in load runner? how to pin point bottlenecks ..etc. Apart from adding counters and analysing graphs. using graphs how to find bottlenecks? 2) what does NFR Document contains? does this document contain about analysis. (metrics what has to be measured ) who will do ? 3) what are blocks in runlogic ? how to distribute work in terms of percentages? who wil do ? who wil decide the weight percentages ? 4) when we have to do parameterization ? leave file type Explain types of parameterization with example and when we will use it. while debbuging part or in execution part. clear me if i am wrong
Your question is so open ended you will be hard pressed to find anyone to answer it. Start with switching the subject of your question from "LoadRunner" or even performance testing in general to any science. Let's use astronomy as an example.
If you want to learn about astronomy you would probably start by reading as much as you can about the topic. Learn about your solar system, your galaxy, etc... Get yourself a cheap telescope and look up. Next you may want to study physics. Performance testing is probably not as complex but the approach is the same. Learn about computers: The I/O, RAM, ROM, the OS, the applications. Once you have learned this you will know better what to look for when you run a performance test. When you know how systems work then you can know how they break. I could go on, but my point is that you are asking all the wrong questions. Don't worry about a "block in runlogic" if you don't understand the OSI model.