loadrunner Hi, 1.Do v need to parameterize the value...

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Zia Malik

Hi, 1.Do v need to parameterize the value which is automaticaly fetched from DB as page loads?if its not done do v encounter any error?2.
I am supposing that u r asking " do we need to handle the dynamic values coming in response from server ". The answer is YES . The function to use for the same is web_reg_save_param till LR 9.5 .In LR 11 apart one more function can be used : web_reg_save_param_ex . This handling of dynamic values is called CORRELATION .
Zia, if the value that is automatically getting fetched from DB and is not used in any further requests you need not bother about it. But If its carried forward in any further requests then you need to correlate the value.How you do that Ankit Jain has already told ya.
Zia Malik ... This is one of THE BASICS of scripting in LR ... and the most necessary one too !!! Remember ... Script is just a simulation of what a user would be doing on an app ... So to have a "bugfree" robust LR script ... One needs to fetch the right values from previous responses and pass them in subsequent requests using correlated params ...
Ankit Jain:no,say, i've created a customer profile ( whr customer id is also created) now i want to add some more details and for the same customer on some other page ..where there is a field customer id that value is auto fetched that appears on the page in non- editable mode..
Zia Malik: just correlate them and replace them with their respective parameters in ur subsequesnt requests