loadrunner Hello mates, I am starting to script SpotFire...

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Angel Limas

Hello mates, I am starting to script SpotFire TIBCO based reports by using the HTML/HTTP protocol. Any suggestion? I have seen I have like 65 correlations and still counting. Wondering if you have done this before in an easest way. thanks in advance
1. First check all values are changing dynamically or not, to verify record one more script and and compare both scripts using comparison and check how many are changing dynamically, then go ahead for correlation 2. If you seeing more dynamic values then go ahead for auto correlation
yeah in fact, I know how to manual correlate, I just was wondering if there was a more efficient way to do it, What I ended doing was creating a Rule and regenerating the script, from there just start adding manual correlations.
however the script is still complex, the apporach I am taking now is I split the script in 4 elements and I am scripting each separately. thanks for your replays