loadrunner Error: Failed to send message to due to the following exception :...

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Binaya Parhy

Error: Failed to send message to due to the following exception : javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: With same JMS advanced setting JAVA program is working but JMS in webservice protocol is consistenlt failing. Any clue please help
I am confused where this question should be answered as it has been asked in many forums. I do not know which is the "reference" or authoritative version of the thread. A such I am going to abandon answering. #StopCrossForumShotgunSPAM
No one here to judge your intellectual. Have you tried the solution or not. How we will know what you tried and what not?
Binaya, if you will explain the use case, and the exact problem including configuration and error messages, the community would really be able to help you.
Script failing with name not found error for queue. Please help HP LR 11 ActiveMQ Protocol : webservice/jms Script: Action() { jms_send_message_queue("Send", "HI", "com.nvn.telecom.pal.ManageSQ"); return 0; } Initial Context Factory = org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory Connection Factory= ConnectionFactory jms security principal= admin jms security credential = admin JVM = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_79 classpath = apache-activemq-5.11.0\activemq-all-5.11.0.jar provider url = tcp://hostname:61716 Output Log : Virtual User Script started at : 2015-10-31 11:24:25 Starting action vuser_init. Web Services replay version 11.0.0 for Windows 7; Toolkit: "NotDefined"; build 9409 Run-Time Settings file: "C:\Lemini_PSVT\LRScripts\PAL_Fresh_MQ\\default.cfg" Vuser directory: "C:\Lemini_PSVT\LRScripts\PAL_Fresh_MQ" Vuser output directory: "C:\Lemini_PSVT\LRScripts\PAL_Fresh_MQ\" LOCAL start date/time: 2015-10-31 11:24:25 Ending action vuser_init. Running Vuser... Starting iteration 1. Starting action Action. Action.c(68): JMS call "Send" started Action.c(68): jms_print_general_property - JVM_Path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_79\jre\ Action.c(68): jms_print_general_property - JMS_impl_classpath = \\nvnco.local\filestore\SYD-Users\binayaparhy\Desktop\apache-activemq-5.11.0\activemq-all-5.11.0.jar;\\nvnco.local\filestore\SYD-Users\binayaparhy\Desktop\apache-activemq-5.11.0\lib\optional\log4j-1.2.17.jar Action.c(68): jms_set_general_property called - JNDI_InitialContextFactory = org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory Action.c(68): jms_set_general_property called - JNDI_provider_URL = tcp://hostname:61716 Action.c(68): jms_set_general_property called - ConnectionFactory = ConnectionFactory Action.c(68): jms_set_general_property called - connections_per_process = 1 Action.c(68): jms_set_general_property called - msg_timeout = -1 Action.c(68): jms_set_general_property called - user_define_timeout = 120 Action.c(68): jms_set_general_property called - SecurityPrincipal = admin Action.c(68): jms_set_general_property called - SecurityCredentials = admin Action.c(68): jms_set_general_property called - SetCorbaOrb = Action.c(68): jms_set_general_property called - auto_generate_selector = 0 Action.c(68): jms_set_general_property called - EnableTibcoSslJndiLookup = Action.c(68): java.naming.provider.url = tcp://hostname:61716 Action.c(68): java.naming.factory.initial = org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory Action.c(68): java.naming.security.principal=admin Action.c(68): java.naming.security.credentials=admin Action.c(68): Creating new JMS connection ActiveMQConnection {id=ID:DTDVD0001279PR-53172-1446251066551-1:1,clientId=null,started=false} Action.c(68): Error: Failed to send message HI to com.nvn.telecom.pal.ManageSQ due to the following exception : javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: com.nvn.telecom.pal.ManageSQ javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: com.nvn.telecom.pal.ManageSQ at org.apache.activemq.jndi.ReadOnlyContext.lookup(ReadOnlyContext.java:235) at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:411) at com.mercury.ws.jms.SessionManagerImpl.getQueue(SessionManagerImpl.java:94) at com.mercury.ws.jms.JMSSupportImpl.sendMessageQueue(JMSSupportImpl.java:96) at com.mercury.ws.jms.JMSBridge.send_message_queue(JMSBridge.java:43) Action.c(68): Error: JMS call execution failed Ending action Action. Ending iteration 1. Ending Vuser... Starting action vuser_end. Ending action vuser_end. Vuser Terminated.
Hi Binaya, hope you are doing good. Looking at output log it seems you are missing some of required jars (Only log4j is available, jms jars are missing). Try with Java 1.6. With the assumption that its a point-to-point communication, try jms_send_receive_message_queue. I found it working. Provide some message headers, helps in uniquely identify the message posted.