loadrunner Does Anyone know how many maximum scripts that can be loaded in...

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BC Nahsrahdus Dis

Does Anyone know how many maximum scripts that can be loaded in Controller ?
There is also a practical answer. If you have more scripts than about a dozen per module/application then you need to start asking some difficult questions about requirements, whether you are comingling function and performance, are your scripts poorly designed without parameters, etc...
No James we have 100 different scenarios for 20 hotels deployed on single server . We have 200 users license tested till 60 scripts scenario 40 more to add . Your answer solved my question . Thanks a lot .
The loadrunner scenario is the combination of all of the running scripts, not the individual business processes. If you have 100 different business processes present then I would submit to you that you are commingling functional and performance testing, because even the most complex mutli module installation of SAP is unlikely to have 100 business process under load. Yes, there may be 1000's of actual business functions, but only a small minority are responsible for the majority of the load. Do not take my word for it, look at your HTTP access logs and search for frequency of unique page names blocked by hour. It will become apparent. The other possibility is that you simply do not know how to parameterize script effectively. We saw this with Healthcare,.gov where hundreds/thousands of scripts were being produced with single sets of data because the end users of LoadRunner were untrained in the tool. You can parameterize a business process script for hotel name and use the same script for 20 different hotels assuming a commonality of business process.
Ye James I will really appreciate your thought. That is ware the beauty of load runner . Actually here is the case is little different . We use java over http . Response comes I'm serialised zipped format . And more over due to security reasons we can not parameterise or automate with hotel number . If that get needs to b done to avoid script cumbersome entire application structure and architecture need to be changed , the crazy part is stiil it is running on applets and servlets . So after trying all the possible ways . Left with my option . Any way thanks for concern .