loadrunner Could you Please give a detailed explanation...

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Raju Phani

Could you Please give a detailed explanation for ORD, Saveoffset and Savelen in correaltion with examples for each one.(i already gone through with the LR help document but i did't clarifyed)
Ord = Ordinal. Meaning which occurrence of the matching value do you wish to save into a parameter. The 1st? The 152nd? Saveoffset = how many characters into the string do you want to start? If the string is
oops, pressed enter too soon... If the string is '12345abcde67890' and all you want are the letters, the saveoffset attribute will be 5. Savelen = how many characters do you wish to save? In the above example, it would also be 5 since you only want the letters. Hope that helps.