loadrunner Can someone please help me to solve this...

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Venkatesan Arjunan

Can someone please help me to solve this correlation issue? I'm doing scripting using SAP Web protocol. I'm unable to capture dropdown values in the application. In the script, SAPEVENTQUEUE is the place where we have drop down values. Immediate help is more appreciated. Also i could see that, the dynamic values in script are in URL mode where as in Generation log it is in plain text mode which makes me hard to do correlation. Please tell me how to do correlation in SAP WEB protocols. sap-wd-secure-id=FMOFvBfdRY2eoXgbkFF5jQ%3D%3D&SAPEVENTQUEUE=ComboBox_Select%EE%80%82Id%EE%80%84aaaaLOHJ.StrokeSearchCompView.department%EE%80%85Key%EE%80%840%EE%80%85ByEnter%EE%80%84false%EE%80%83%EE%80%82ClientAction%EE%80%84submit%EE%80%83%EE%80%82urEventName%EE%80%84COMBOBOXSELECTIONCHANGE%EE%80%83%EE%80%81Form_Request%EE%80%82Id%EE%80%84...form%EE%80%85Async%EE%80%84false%EE%80%85FocusInfo%EE%80%84%40%7B%22sFocussedId%22%3A%20%22aaaaLOHJ.StrokeSearchCompView.department%22%7D%EE%80%85Hash%EE%80%84%EE%80%85DomChanged%EE%80%84false%EE%80%85IsDirty%EE%80%84false%EE%80%83%EE%80%82EnqueueCardinality%EE%80%84single%EE%80%83%EE%80%82%EE%80%83",
you can always play with HTML encoding and plain text. Search for conversions. Alternatively rely on generation log to get solution
can you please elaborate little more? i couldn't find the value in script view that i selected from drop down list while scripting for SAPEVENTQUEUE !!!
Hi venkatesan do one thing pay the encoding recording in any portal in that way u this is code for recording the screen shorts This is the recording snapshot: sapgui_select_combobox_entry("Current Liabilities", cmbGLACCOUNT_SCREEN_COA1, "CLIA", BEGIN_OPTIONAL, "AdditionalInfo=sapgui1034", END_OPTIONAL)
Try with url mode.. In ur case u can see the values that u selected in the request.. Refer action = in ur script u can get the value.. For this correlation u can also correlate the whole value
Sudharshan ji , it's not compatible with SAP GUI protocol . It's a Web application equipped with SAP
you can correlate the desired value by using the plain text boundaries and convert the captured value to URL mode using this command, Web_reg_save_param("","LB=","RB=","Convert=HTML_TO_URL",LAST);
Thanks all for ur comments. But the problem here is , how can I capture the drop down values for SAPEVENTQUEUE?
compare the same request with 2 diff drop-down selection.....like first time select the first value from drop-down and record......in second attempt, select the second value from drop down and record and compare the request generated.....there will be some change in the request like 1,2,3..... i ama working on SAP Web from 3+ year...and have handled same situation N number of times :)
Venkatesan Arjunan In SAP we do not get values in script we will get index only like in the code u pasted %EE%80%84 0 %EE%80%85ByEnter---- 0 means first value from Drop down......1 means second......2 means 3rd..... if u want to see the value captured use WEB REG SAVE PARAM with ord =1,2,3....like wise to get the value selected during runtime :)