loadrunner Can any body help me, how to work on attachments in True-Client...

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Raj Dinesh

Can any body help me, how to work on attachments in True-Client web protocol. Thanks!!
Do you want to upload a file to the server or include a file to the script? Please elaborate what do you want to do with the attachements
Hi Shlomi Nissim i want to upload a file to the script. when it run's with intend number of user's, case is when i upload a attachment to the script. it getting attached at the time of recording, but when i replay the script . it is navigating to specified path but nothing is getting attached, could you please help me the both cases, how to upload a file to the server or include a file to the script.Thank you!
Quick piece of suggestion... Have you tried with http/html protocol?? Because recently I have done a same kind of script using web protocol. If not please give a try. And for truclient try to give xpath so that it will be able recognize and pick up the file
I have given x-path. it is able navigating to that file location. but it is not able to pick that attachment
Provide full path of the file where it is located in parameter. Set as unique if you have multiple files to upload.