loadrunner Anyone worked on scripting share point 2013. I am facing an issue...

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Baveen Kumar

Anyone worked on scripting share point 2013. I am facing an issue while replaying script, I am getting 403 forbidden error. When I checked in the test results screen I am seeing the error message as "The security validation for this page is invalid and might be corrupted. Please use your web browser back button to try your operation again."
Well, what have you tried? Think about the nature of Sharepoint and it's integration with the Windows Security Model? What might that integration imply for your security model with your test code?
A lot of things to try. WinInet replay instead of socket. Enable Integrated Authentication. Check if you have Authorization header. web_set_user
I tried with winInet, didn't work. Ajax click & script not positive. There is authentication header checked it out, added auto header no result.
Did your correlate all viewstate, request views etc? Did you record script twice and compare the diff to ensure your are not missing anything ? Which step does it occur at, do you have any resources that are hosted externally in which case you need to explicitly provide user/pwd under advanced options
under runtime settings make sure these two things are checked , NTLM implementation. And also wininet level reply only . Then try again , if it doesn't work try manually see if it works .