loadrunner Admin: Please remove if this is off-topic. I...

  • Thread starter NaveenKumar Namachivayam
  • Start date
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NaveenKumar Namachivayam

Admin: Please remove if this is off-topic. I am trying to automate of capturing HAR files. Here is my requirement: The application has 4 pages built using AngularJS framework. I need to capture the HAR stats for 4 pages. I tried Selenium web driver, JMeter, and PhantomJS. In Selenium, HAR file is not getting created. In PhantomJS, I am able to create HAR file, but do not know how to create scripts by performing user actions (I'm still exploring). In JMeter, I am still finding out about creating HAR file. My question is: Is there any other way to generate HAR file in LoadRunner. I do not want to use profiler option in LR.
Remember one thing. If the navigation is based on XHR you may not be able to capture it. The only way to gauge timings in that case is using a Js framework like boomerang - what mpulse does
If you're able to do that using PhantomJs selenium has a driver (I guess but not sure) for PhantomJS. Did you try that?
PhantomJS supports complete DOM manipulation just like any browser BUT the last time I heard an update supporting modern browser DOMs is 1.5 years ago. I haven't tried the case in point but if your app's DOM can be manipulated by existing version of PhantomJS, you should have no difficulty in performing actions by reusing the code you've written for Firefox. PhantomJS also has a function to capture the screenshot (not the prettiest, it tends to grab all the elements disregarding the "fetch on scroll" actions). You may want to give it a try to debug what's happening with your code
Are you commingling functional and performance items here? What, very very precisely" is Gaines from the har stats that cannot be gained under your performance tool? It really reads as if this requirement was written by someone who does not understand what you do, how you do it, when you do it and why it has value
We do not have LR 12.50, so I created a simple test plan using JMeter + Selenium + Browser Mob Proxy. Thanks all for your inputs.
OK, now youa re going to be dumping hundreds, if not thousands of HAR files to disk under load. What do you think will happen to the performance of this load generator? I repeat, It very much appears that this requirements was written by someone who has no understanding of what you do, why you do it and how it is accomplished.