Geez, Scott. Just press F1. N00b. Kidding! Some arrogant A-hole told me that once in the Yahoo! group. I've been scarred. Last time I worked with .NET protocol (around 2009, mind you) I had to do a hybrid of several techniques above. .NET is very chatty internally and not over the wire. So Wireshark is a good bet. It tends to talk to itself, the printer, the mailman, the IRS, and sometimes it unlocks iPhones. I used Lutz R's Reflector. That was helpful. My messages were encrypted via WCF if I recall correctly so, that was a big challenge too. In any case, filtering the noise is essential. Subarna has excellent advice that ultimately was the best answer for me. I ended up foregoing the record, and writing the Web services calls in an HTTP script. If you have an extremely complex .NET app you may want to start cutting yourself now.