loadrunner A simple .net client side exe app launches and immediately...

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Scott Moore

A simple .net client side exe app launches and immediately connects to a SQL server database and runs a list of stored procedures. Takes 45 secs. The log shows finished. You can close it down. To try and record this I have tried odbc, .net, and com with no capture. Should I capture in SQL profiler and try to export and convert to vugen?
Perhaps your app is communicating with a second process on the same machine which is making the inquiry. I would just grab a copy of wireshark with the tabular Datastream decode and pull the stored procedure calls. Then use MSQUERY to execute them by hand while I record them as an ODBC virtual user.
I'm also in favor of the wire shark approach. My gut feeling is there is probably a header involved that causes the parser to bail without capturing anything. Ran into it more on http web but net could suffer from it too. The wire shark trace will at least show you what was actually there
befriend the developer. get the the list of the procedures to call. Write a simple java Vuser to connect to the database and fire those procedures using java.sql package.
Geez, Scott. Just press F1. N00b. Kidding! Some arrogant A-hole told me that once in the Yahoo! group. I've been scarred. Last time I worked with .NET protocol (around 2009, mind you) I had to do a hybrid of several techniques above. .NET is very chatty internally and not over the wire. So Wireshark is a good bet. It tends to talk to itself, the printer, the mailman, the IRS, and sometimes it unlocks iPhones. I used Lutz R's Reflector. That was helpful. My messages were encrypted via WCF if I recall correctly so, that was a big challenge too. In any case, filtering the noise is essential. Subarna has excellent advice that ultimately was the best answer for me. I ended up foregoing the record, and writing the Web services calls in an HTTP script. If you have an extremely complex .NET app you may want to start cutting yourself now.
If u want to test only stored procedure calls performance means directly test those using Java vuser or java record and reply protocols also there is a possibility like by using web HTTP and HTML protocol we can directly execute list of SQL queries if ur local DSN config with odbc SQL driver. Since stored procedure is a function which contains qurey inside .So here by using simple lr DB connection functions we can run those queries