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IOZONE - File System Bench-marking Tool 2016-09-21

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What is filesystem Benchmarking?

•FileSystem benchmarking is a process to measure the I/O of Storage Device.
•FileSystem benchmarking is a process to evaluate the performance of storage device.
•In any DBMS environment the factors that affect the performance of the Database are I/O performance, the CPUs or the network characteristics. More often than not it has been seen that it is the I/O sub-system that is the weakest link and determines the performance of the DBMS.
•Filesystem benchmarking gives a broad filesystem performance information. The buyer is much more likely to see any hot or cold spots and can pick a platform and operating system that is better balanced.

How to do filesystem Benchmarking?
•The time taken or the throughput rate to complete a requisite number of reads and writes is a proof of the performance of the storage device thereby simulating DBMS scenario.
•FileSystem benchmarking is done by performing read and write operations in SEQUENTIAL and RANDOM modes.
–In SEQUENTIAL mode, the data is written on or read from contiguous locations on the disk.
–In RANDOM mode, the data is written on or read from random locations of the disk.
•Typically in a DBMS storage disk, the write operation is done using O_DSYNC flag enabled.
–O_DSYNC: When a file is opened using the O_DSYNC open mode, the write () system call will not return until the file data and all file system meta-data required to retrieve the file data are both written to their permanent storage locations.

Introduction to IOZONE

•IOZone is a popular FileSystem benchmarking tool.
–This is a very robust file system benchmark that examines performance across a large range of parameters (file size, block size etc...).

•IOZone is useful for performing a broad FileSystem analysis of a vendor's computer platform.
–Sequential read, re-read, Sequential write, re-write, Random read, Random write

•IOZone has been ported and compiled to many Operating Systems. Available on


•IOZone is by far the easiest and most versatile benchmarking tool available.
•This is a free open source and widely accepted benchmarking tool.
•IOZone when run in auto mode tests the FileSystem performance with file sizes ranging from 64KB to 500 MB.
–Pre-fixed file size can be chosen as part of command line (-s). Physical file is optional (-f).
•IOZone when run in auto mode tests the FileSystem performance with record sizes ranging from 4KB to 16 MB.
–Specific Record Size can be passed as command line parameter (-r).
•DBMS storage disk performance measurement generally requires O_DSYNC flag to be enabled during write test. IOZone supports this parameter and it is optional to provide thereby giving the flexibility to ignore the flag when other storage disks are to be benchmarked.
–O_DSYNC parameter can be passed as command line using -+D.
•The output from IOZone is generally in KB/Sec i.e. Throughput is provided.
•To test different partitions/locations, IOZone can reside on one location & from all other locations, relative path of IOZone can be provided and results can be obtained.

Sample Report
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