Database Test Plan using Loadrunner Web - HTTP/HTML protocol

Database Test Plan using Loadrunner Web - HTTP/HTML protocol

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Objective : In this tutorial we would connect to mysql database in loadrunner and insert a row in sample database. We would be connecting to database using web protocol.

Pre-Requisite :
  1. Prepare a database in mysql similar to this tutorial -
  2. Copy libmysql.dll from mysql installation to your loadrunner lib directory
Note - For creating similer test plan in JMeter see this tutorial -

Sample Script:

Create a test script in web- HTTP/HTML protocol in Load runner.
Using below script you can talk to mysql database and insert a row in the sample database table


// The MySQL 5.0 C API documentation is available from:

// Note that this code may have problems with thread safety.
// It is therefore best to run each vuser as a process rather than as a thread.

int rc; // return code
int db_connection; // Declaractions is a bit dodgy. Should really use MYSQL defined in mysql.h
int query_result; // Declaractions is a bit dodgy. Should really use MYSQL_RES defined in mysql.h
char** result_row; // Return data as array of strings. Declaractions is a bit dodgy. Should really use MYSQL_ROW defined in mysql.h

char *server = "localhost";
char *user = "root";
char *password = ""; // very naughty to leave default root account with no password :)
char *database = "testing";
int port = 3306; // default MySQL port
int unix_socket = NULL; // leave this as null
int flags = 0; // no flags

// You should be able to find the MySQL DLL somewhere in your MySQL install directory.
rc = lr_load_dll("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\HP\\LoadRunner\\Lib\\libmysql.dll");
if (rc != 0) {
lr_error_message("Could not load libmysql.dll");

// Allocate and initialise a new MySQL object
db_connection = mysql_init(NULL);
if (db_connection == NULL) {
lr_error_message("Insufficient memory");

// Connect to the database
rc = mysql_real_connect(db_connection, server, user, password, database, port, unix_socket, flags);
if (rc == NULL) {
lr_error_message("%s", mysql_error(db_connection));

// INSERT a row into the database table
lr_param_sprintf("paramInsertQuery", "INSERT INTO test (LastName, FirstName) VALUES ('testLN4', 'testFN4');"); // use current time as order ID for this example
rc = mysql_query(db_connection, lr_eval_string("{paramInsertQuery}"));
if (rc != 0) {
lr_error_message("%s", mysql_error(db_connection));
lr_outpput_message("Insert Successful");

// Free the MySQL object created by mysql_init

return 0;
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