Recent content by vineetmishra

  • need your contributions to build up a strong repository of performance engineering resources.

  1. V

    jmeter How to print current timestamp in jmeter

    I have to create unique filenames for something in jmeter and need to use timestamp in millisecond for the same. Is there an easy way to write timestamp in jmeter?
  2. V

    loadrunner Replay error message: illegal character `\0240'

    Remove any text copied from word and you should be good.
  3. V

    loadrunner "Error -27778: SSL protocol error when attempting to connect with host

    I'm getting "Error -27778: SSL protocol error when attempting to connect with host" while running the newly recorded test script. Any clue how to solve this?
  4. V

    Software Performance Engineering is an Art and we are artists.

    Software Performance Engineering is an Art and we are artists.
  5. V

    loadrunner Transaction Names Showing As Numbers in Loadrunner Analysis

    I think you have missed the map files while doing manual collation. Try including them and you will be able to see the transaction names back again.
  6. V

    loadrunner How to use data blocks in vugen

    Not able to understand the data block setting in loadrunner. I tried doing a google search but not enough information is available. can someone explain it to me.
  7. V

    loadrunner Closing Chrome Before Recording >> VUGEN

    Try this : Go to chrome settings >> Advanced settings Uncheck : Continue running background apps when google chrome is closed
  8. V

    Weekly/Daily Status Reporting Template - Performance Engineering

    Hi, I need a weekly status report template in word or excel format. Please help me out. Thanks in adv VM
  9. V

    jmeter Simulating AJAX with Jmeter

    Hi Deepak, I am facing the same issue, not able to work jmeter with Ajax. Please post a soultion.
  10. V

    SSD vs HDD

    Thanks Anmol. Any kind of data would definitely help us make a decision.
  11. V

    SSD vs HDD

    Database is IBM db2 on aix hardware. I guess its 100% sequential write
  12. V

    SSD vs HDD

    I have an application with very high batch database writes, my manager is thinking of using solid state drives to gain some performance and faster database writes. He has asked me to do a quick poc to see how much performance gain will we be getting. Can someone give me a ballpark estimates on...
  13. V

    More Catagories are required

    I feel that board admin needs to define more categories. I could not find categories like benchmarking, stress tests etc @admin please try to cover all areas of performance engineering