Recent content by Vaibhav

  • need your contributions to build up a strong repository of performance engineering resources.

  1. Vaibhav

    List of Java Performance Related Books - List of Java Performance Related Books

    Here are the List of Top Java Performance Related Books : (2016) Mastering Concurrency Programming with Java 8 By Javier Fernandez Gonzalez Publisher: Packt Publishing (2014) "Wildfly Performance Tuning" Arnold Johansson, Anders Welén (Packt Publishing) (2014) "Java EE 7 Performance Tuning and...
  2. Vaibhav

    List of Java Performance Related Books

    Vaibhav submitted a new resource: List of Java Performance Related Books - Java Performance Engineering Read more about this resource...
  3. Vaibhav

    Expired Opening of Performance Engineer @ GS Labs for 6 to 8 years Experience

    About GS Lab GS Lab is building products for communication convergence and offering services in the domains of networking, telecom, security and interactive web. The Company offers excellent work environment, product development opportunities, and compensation. Website: Job...
  4. Vaibhav

    This is how Twitter Handles Performance [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  5. Vaibhav

    Request Your Free eBook Now: "Software Architecture Patterns" by O’Reilly

    This O’Reilly report takes a deep dive into many common software architecture patterns. The success of any application or system depends on the architecture pattern you use. By describing the overall characteristics of the architecture, these patterns not only guide designers and developers on...
  6. Vaibhav

    This is how Twitter Handles Performance [Deleted]

    Vaibhav submitted a new resource: This is how Twitter Handles Performance - From Twitter Blog Read more about this resource...
  7. Vaibhav

    How(Approach) to handle/debug Production Performance Issues?

    Request to share experience,especially who are already doing production Performance Monitoring !! Which tool or how should we approach to debug or pin point production performance issue? Production servers always run with many processes and handles many functionality. In this scenario if any...
  8. Vaibhav

    Does Agile Process need a must have Performance Testing/Engineering cycle?

    We are now seeing that Software Industry has slowly started implementing AGILE process. Fast software delivery, continuous new requirements and balanced team engagement has put AGILE as a preferred process to follow.There are many benefits involved with AGILE process : Proper Clint Engagement...
  9. Vaibhav

    Copied : Graphical Representation of Concurrent Mark and Sweep(CMS) GC

    Vaibhav submitted a new resource: Copied : Graphical Representation of Concurrent Mark and Sweep(CMS) GC - From Oracle Tutorials Read more about this resource...
  10. Vaibhav

    Copied : Graphical Representation of Concurrent Mark and Sweep(CMS) GC - Copied : Graphical Representation of Concurrent Mark and Sweep(CMS) GC

    Came Across Very Good Pictorial Description of CMS Garbage Collection Stages which might in theory bit hard to understand. CMS Collector has 5 phases for doing GC of Old Generation : Initial Mark (Stop the World Event). Concurrent Marking. Remark (Stop the World Event). Concurrent Sweep...
  11. Vaibhav

    jmeter How to monitor Server Metrics while using Jmeter?

    Hi, Jmeter doesn't provide facility to configure server and monitor different metrics like CPU , Memory , Disk and Network with Graphs. How to monitor server metrics in this scenario? Thanks,
  12. Vaibhav

    Important Metrics to Report on your Test Document

    These are very obvious and important metrics to report on any kind of Performance related tests and many of you already aware of it but those who are new to Performance Testing domain will get some good insight. 1. Response Time (RT) : No Performance Test Report can be prepared without...
  13. Vaibhav

    Oracle also has one Load Testing Tool called OATS

    Oracle has one Load Testing tool called OATS (Oracle Application Testing Suit). It also provides automated functional testing capability for web based applications which is hard to find on any other Load Testing tool and suited for Functional testing of Oracle packaged products. Here is the...
  14. Vaibhav

    How to do Capacity Planning based on LAB Performance/Load Tests?

    Hi, I am looking for answer or procedure we should follow to do the capacity planning? # Let me put the question in a different way, suppose customer is asking for number of servers and configuration i should use based on different user base.How do i calculate? or Answer this? #This is a...
  15. Vaibhav

    RPT:Create modular performance tests to save time and increase reuse: Part 2

    Introduction This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for how to use the Rational Performance Tester test variable functionality to exchange data between tests at run time without using a user-generated data pool. Please Refer this Link ...